Mental Health First Aid - Standard


Module 1: Self-directed

Online 2hr module - must be done before live class

Introduction to the foundation of MHFA actions

Module 2: Live Classroom (virtual and in-person options available)

MHFA for Declining Mental Well-being (3.5 hours)

Focus on applying MHFA actions in scenarios

Module 3: Live Classroom (virtual and in-person options available)

MHFA for Mental Health and Substance Use Crises (3.5 hours)

Enhance skills in crisis managment
Self Care

** Please note: Module 2 & 3 can be scheduled on the same day OR different days within a 2 week period

Virtual Classes: 8-15 participants

In-Person Classes: 8-25 participants

The facilitator's classroom approach was with compassion. She was very mindful of everyone's unique needs and was always open to student feedback/opinions.


Why Mental Health First Aid?

  • Mental health and substance use problems are common (1 in 3 Canadians will develop a mental health or substance use disorder in their life)
  • You may notice signs of declining mental well-being
  • You can help others and yourself using MHFA actions

Who Should Take Mental Health First Aid?

  • Frontline workers and anyone supporting someone with a mental health or substance use disorder (tip: your employer and/or union may fund this training upon request)
  • Joint Health and Safety Committees (tip: MHFA can be taken as your 8hr entitled training as per the Worker's Compensation Act)
  • Individuals, friends, and family of anyone living with a mental health or substance use disorder

How do I Register?

Email with your name and the date of the course you'd like to register for. You'll receive an invoice and confirmation email. Once payment is received you will be sent an access code for Module 1.

Do I Receive a Certificate?

Yes! You will receive a certificate from the Mental Health Commission of Canada after completing all 3 modules. Certifications do not expire.

Terms and Conditions

Space is limited. Registration is non-refundable and non-transferable. PI Solutions reserves the right to cancel due to under-enrollment, instructor illness or inclement weather. In this case, you will be given space in an upcoming course or a refund will be provided.


If you have completed registration and are no longer able to attend, space in another group may be provided if available. Notice must be provided at least 30 days prior to the registered course. Transfers must be used within 6 months.  


If a participant does not complete Module 1 of the course by the specified deadline, course registration will be cancelled.


By registering for this training course, you accept and agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions. You must be at least 18 years of age to register for and attend a training course.


As this is a certification course, attendees must be present for the entire course. Virtual courses require personal equipment with both microphone and camera. No previous experience with online learning is required. We use the Zoom platform to deliver online courses.